As part of Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Budget, the Long Beach City Council approved a new five-year (FY 23 – FY 27) infrastructure investment plan totaling over $533 million with over a hundred unique projects, consisting of four main categories: Mobility, Park Improvements, Public Facilities, and Right-of-Way, Water Quality, & Climate Action.
In FY 24, the City expanded the initial five-year plan with an additional $214 million of funding spread across an additional three categories: 2028 Olympic Legacy, Community & Cultural Investments, and Gold Medal Park Refresh Projects and branded the plan as the Elevate ’28 Infrastructure Investment Plan.
The Elevate ’28 Infrastructure Investment Plan previously consisted of over $315 million of Measure A funding and over $440 million of funding anticipated from additional funding sources, such as LA Metro Transportation Funding (Prop A, Prop C, Measure M, Measure R), State Gas Tax, SB-1, LA County Measure W, and various grant awards. This is the largest investment in the City of Long Beach’s public infrastructure in a generation.
In the proposed FY 25 Capital Improvement budget, the Elevate ’28 Infrastructure Investment Plan has significantly expanded and increased its funding by strategically leveraging local Measure A funding to secure an additional $180 million in external state and federal funding, bringing the total infrastructure investment to nearly $928 million. This $180 million inclusion of external state and federal funding allows the City of Long Beach to continue its investment in public infrastructure. To learn more about the additional funding, please visit the Proposed FY 25 Project Report. The Elevate ’28 Report will be updated with this additional funding at the beginning of FY 25, which begins October 1, 2024.
Infrastructure Investment Plan Overview
The Elevate ’28 Infrastructure Investment Plan now consists of $315.4 million of Measure A funding and over $437 million of funding anticipated from additional funding sources.
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